2013年10月22日 星期二

對付敏感性痘痘肌! Fighting against my allergy-prone sensitive skin!


I have allergy-prone, sensitive skin, I often break out with little red pimples and they leave my skin feeling itchy and tingly. They are even more irritated during changes of the seasons. Today I'm gonna talk about my skincare routine during times of troubled skin!

First take a look at me few days ago while having allergies.

洗臉以後我會試用Dr Irena Eris的敏感用乳液。其實說來難堪,我後來在網上找不到這一瓶產品的資料,連品牌網頁也查不到。我是在美容展時直接向Dr Irena Eris櫃檯買的。價錢在港幣200元以內。我一直也有敏感肌膚,每一次都吃鼻敏感的藥或者就等等它消失,可是自從買了這一瓶以後,我能迅速的解決敏感癥狀回復白滑肌膚!

After cleansing, I will apply this Dr Irena Eris Strengthening Ultra Serum. I actually could not find this product on the internet I bought it from Skincare exhibition from its counter. It costs under HKD200. I have been suffering from skin allergies many years but usually I will take a claratyne tablet or simply wait a month for it to recover itself. Since I use this product I can solve my skin problems as fast as three days!

DrIrena Eris 是波蘭知名的保養品品牌,由於波蘭化妝保養品業發達,他們的產品一律Made in Poland.
This is a Poland beauty brand, all of their products are made in Poland.


Another magical item that I use is Taiwanese Beauty Diary Cooling Mask! The cutting fit my face, and does an excellent job in cooling down my skin and soothing away the redness. After each use it effectively helps calming my skin, I strongly recommend this product to everyone!

Lastly, after three days of using above products, goodbye to my troubled skin!

2013年10月16日 星期三

Mask House 韓方草本系列美白面膜 Herbal series Whitening Mask Review

Ritsuko今晚剛出席了親戚的壽宴,回家后卸妝立刻翻出Mask House的韓方草本白亮采面膜敷一敷~ 先說說這款面膜的介紹:標榜200%美白淡斑 (以下為官網的介紹)



Mask House is a korean brand and this mask I used tonight was its whitening mask under the Korean Herbal Series. This mask marketed that it helps to whiten your skin tone and reduce spots by 200%! It claims that it helps fighting harmful UV rays and spots, and helps in blood circulation of your face. It boosts metabolism cycle as well.


There are 5 sheets in each box. The texture is quite thin and it fits my face shape well. However, if compare to masks from the Taiwanese brand Beauty Diary, I personally think that Beauty Diary ones fit my face the best and the sheet is the thinnest among all masks I've used.


After 15 mins I took it off. My skin has been brightened up but it did nothing to my spots. This is only my second time using this mask and I would not expect it reduces my spots anyway. It did a good job in brightening my skin tone and quite well in moisturizing too.

我最後塗上了Aqua Label的乳液鎖住水分。一般美白產品會偏乾但上一次的經驗告訴我隔天起床皮膚也沒有很乾喔。所以1-5分的話這款面膜我會評4分,碰上萬寧特價我會回購。

I put on Aqua Label lotion to lock in the moisture. In general whitening products will make your skin dry but my experience with this mask was that the next morning I woke up I did not feel my skin being too dry even I slept in an air-conditioned room. I would give this mask 4/5 scores, and if this mask is on sales at Mannings I will definitely buy it again!

Thank you for reading on a Wed night!

零油底妝+產品分享 My perfect foundation + reviews

今天想和大家分享一下我日常的底妝。Ritsuko任職公司規定要化full makeup,所以一個零油光的妝容對我很重要,不然加上眼妝唇妝整個油臉會很恐怖的。

Today I would like to share with you my daily foundation routine. The company I am working for requires their staffs to put on full makeup, so a matte finish means a lot to me because with the heavy eye and lip make up on, nothing is more horrible than oily shiny skin.

My foundation routine products:

Base: Catalina Geo Color Capsule Makeup Base (SPF40)
Foundation: Holika Holika Aqua Petit Jelly BB (SPF20 PA++)
Powder: Prosays' Perfect Combination (#03)


This base is excellent. It is super moisturizing and the purple color brighten up my skin tone. After applying it my skin becomes smooth and ready for applying the foundation. The mini balls will be squeezed with the moisturizing serum after pumping so this is a wonderful product with the benefits of a makeup base and serum.

再來就是介紹韓國品牌Holika Holika的Aqua Petit Jelly。這兩瓶Starter(粉紅色)和BB(皮膚色)都是朋友從韓國帶回來給我的。先說質地,顧名思義很像Jelly。很輕很水很容易推開而且不得不說是香味很舒服,可以說是我想要用它的其中一個原因。可是呢我覺得Starter有點可有可無,我沒有使用它的starter作為我的base而用了剛剛上面介紹的Geo base是因為Holika的這瓶base沒有防曬沒有調色也沒有很保濕!它頂多查了以後後續的BB Jelly比較好上一點而已。而BB Jelly讓我非常驚喜。它不但質地輕薄,延展性非常高(可能粉底刷也有功勞啦~\(≧▽≦)/~),控油能力保濕能力都非常不錯。容量有40ml也是很實惠喔。個人認為Starter真的可以不用買,自己搭配使用防曬隔離霜然後跟上BB Jelly就很好了。

The next will be Holika Holika Aqua Petit Jelly. I have both the starter and the BB jelly brought from my friend who traveled to Korea recently. The texture as you can see from the photo is like jelly - very light and waterful, glide easily over my skin, and the best part is the fragrant. However, I won't recommend the starter because it doesn't have sunblock, no color correction, no moisturizing effect, it is like nothing or maybe a little bit helpful on smoothing out the pores. The BB jelly does work magic on my skin, its oil control and moisturizing tasks are performed very well. Not to mention its jumbo 40ml economic size. I'd recommend using this BB jelly with other base products.

這一罐蜜粉是別人送我的,據說挺貴的所以大概我自己也不會捨得買吧~ 它控油效果十分好而且粉質非常細,輕輕一掃已經可以完美定妝。經過13小時也不用使用面油紙,面油只有很少很少。

I got this product from my aunt. This brand said to be quite expensive but it is excellent in oil control. The powder is well refined and only a light application completes my foundation routine. Even after 13 hours of work my face only shows a little bit of shine, and I would not have to use oil blocking papers at all.

Me without any makeup
Me with foundation

Me with foundation after 13 hours
As you can see that even after 13 hours of working (running, talking, eating etc) my foundation only shows a bit of shine! Thank you very much for reading my first beauty post. Stay tuned! Mwah~

2013年10月14日 星期一

首次露面的碎碎念... Ritsuko's very first post...

Ritsuko想了很久很久去寫博客,無奈天生惰性比較充裕到了現在這個年紀才鼓起勇氣下手... 目前最主要是搞清楚這個博客要怎麼設定還有各種各樣的按鈕,希望很快就可以正正經經的發文了。

I've thought of writing up a personal blog for ages but just being too lazy to do that. Right now I've found the right platform and it's time for me to explore the cool buttons and play around with the many functions of this blog. Stay tuned!