最近大熱港臺的Annie's Way果凍面膜在我的fb洗版,一個又一個的blogger紛紛大讚其清黑頭的功效。我由11歲開始受到黑頭的困擾,clean & clear,biore,innisfree,甚至各大歐美澳洲,美容院,凡是對付黑頭的,我都通通試過。近年我已經放棄在家清理黑頭,轉戰每個月兩次到美容院針清。很多sis都話針清可以好乾淨,不會返轉頭,但可惜,每次美容院姐姐會話我d黑頭太深層,好難清,喊濕兩張tissue都清得唔乾淨...
Recently Annie's Way Jelly Mask has been so popular, many bloggers complimented on its amazing function for clearing blackheads. I suffer from blackheads since I was 11 years old, Clean & Clear, Biore, Innisfree, European, American, Aussie brands, salon-use products, you name it, I've tried them all. In these two years, I have given up fighting blackheads at home, I go to beauty salon and let them do it for me. However, every time they tell me my blackheads are too deep, very difficult to clean...
所以我在fingershopping買了兩瓶:薰衣草和金盞花 (我私信Annie's Way問我的皮膚容易敏感出粒粒,他們advise我用這兩款)
So I messaged Annie's Way and they advised me to use Lavender and Calendula for my sensitive skin)
I followed its instruction straight after I went home. First wash my face, then put on some toner and serum. After that, use the stick that comes with the mask to put on a thick layer on my skin.
After 40 mins, I used the stick to lightly remove the jelly mask. Can you see the blackheads?
我不能說完全清曬所有黑頭,畢竟我的黑頭很有歷史... 但我感覺到很乾淨!期望毛孔也會收起來!
I cannot say all the blackheads have been removed but they were very deep I knew it. I can feel the cleanliness! I hope that my pores can be smaller too!
After two applications, this is me with my makeup after work. No greasy skin and large pores!
I look forward to the results after continuous use of two jars. Tips: Please apply a thick thick layer, otherwise it won't work out as good! One jar can be used for 8 times approximately.