今日放工行過萬寧想買一支漱口水,立即看到這支非常日本包裝的東東。上面寫著“推薦初心者使用”,“沒有強烈薄荷辣味”,非常吸引。 Ritsuko常常使用市面上某幾個大牌子全部的mint味都很辣,次次用完都留眼淚,要不然還要拿水稀釋,漱口完像沒有用過一樣... 這次還是超級減價!由49.9減到15蚊!立刻拿了兩瓶不要多說...
Today while I was walking around Mannings I saw this mouth rinse on sale! It was $49.90 and now only $15!! That's a whooping price reduction! I checked its expiry date it's June 2016. So I grabbed two immediately as I needed to buy mouth rinse anyway.
This mouth rinse is a Japanese brand emphasizing on "Mouth Rinse for beginners" "No strong mint taste" "soft citrus flavor". That attracted me a lot. Because I hate strong mint taste that makes me tear!
I was worried if it is too mild it doesn't help to reduce bad breathe but it does do a good job on that! I felt like I rinsed mild flavored water and my mom said I smell refreshing! I love this and need to buy a few more to stock up!
轉頭再買多幾支先,2016年先過期!快d去萬寧睇下啦 ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Grab one now at Mannings!