2014年3月2日 星期日

ANA機內限定 ~~ Laduree旅行特別組!! (ANA duty free limited ed. Laduree Traveler's special kit)

(Photo from Selena's Boutique)

燒著了,自從無意中看見ANA 機內免稅品catalog之後就決定一定要買! 剛好同事要乘ANA前往日本公幹就立刻拜託她幫我買回來,太激動了!因為真系好靚~~~ (雖然很小件)

Ever since I saw this kit on the catalog I tell myself I HAVE TO GET THEM HOME! Fortunately my colleague needed to travel to Japan on ANA for a business trip so I asked her to buy me one set. :)

ANA機內限定Laduree旅行特別組, 內容包括: 
The kit includes:

1. 迷你花瓣腮紅 1g 01色 (Mini size Blush)
2. Tinted Lip Balm 6g 05色 
3. Makeup base 5ml 
4. Cream cheek base 膏狀腮紅 0.03g 02色 
5. 特製化妝包 (粉紅色)(Pink pouch)


I have not yet opened the blush, will share my review here if I try them on my face, one day.


