2014年3月14日 星期五

Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse 告別布丁頭黑人頭染髮慕絲新體驗

最近頭髮長了,出現了可惡的布丁~~ 我的頭髮半年前在髮廊補染過一次,當時黑髮到耳朵長度,而且很喜歡淺棕色所以決定補染。這一次不想再染淺棕色了,所以這次要突破自己,染沒有染過的顏色~ 呵呵呵 先看看我現在的頭髮狀況...

My hair has grown since the last time I retouched it at the salon, this time I gave up retouching on the same light brown color I've been wearing for few years, I decided to go with something that I've never tried on my hair! Take a look of my current hair style...

My hair under sunlight.

My hair experienced a few dye before, plus the salon I went to didnt put very good quality colorants on my hair, as a result, my hair condition is very bad, it is frizzy, coarse, dry and damaged.

My hair under flashlight... hate the new grown black hair and uneven color...

話說回來,我的髪尾好奇怪,上面的卷度比髪尾要卷,髪尾直直的好奇怪... 可是我一年沒剪過了,因為我好想留長,每次到髮廊肯定被修很慘很短的 (無奈)
The end of my hair seems weird as the hair above it is curled but the end is straight.. anyway, I didn't cut it for almost a year, I don't want to shorten the length I want long hair.

這次買了品質保證的黑人頭牌染髮慕絲。色號是前所未有的深 >> 3-68!Dark Chocolate
This time I bought home coloring Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse, I believe in this brand's quality and I tried the darkest tone I've ever tried in my life >> 3.68 (Dark Chocolate)

This kit includes: manual, hand gloves, colourant, developer, and hair conditioning treatment.

Although there is some chemicals smell, but this mousse has a nice scent, I feel nice about this.
I put it on my new grown hair area first for 5 - 8 mins first, then I put it to the remaining area of my hair (colored hair). I thought I will need two boxes, but I actually used one! =)

Selfie after coloring

Indoor lighting

Under flashlight

The color is very evenly distributed, and the hair color is very nice I love it! I was worried that the color will be like black, but it didn't turn out plain black, but nice dark brown with a hint of reddish tone! Although still some difference between the actual hair color and the hair color on the box, I love the result!

For after care, I used the same branded Colour Protect Shampoo and Conditioner with Liquid Keratin for crystalised shiny and repaired hair. Last time I used a L'oreal hair color it came with a 6-applications after colour treatment, so I used it for this time, the result is supple, soft, and nicely-scented hair!
So I don't have to pay a visit to the salon. Sometimes salons don't have as nice quality as those you bought over the counter like L'oreal, Revlon or Schwarzkopf. Mousse form is also very easy to control than conventional cream type. Please give it a try!

