Sorry I did not post for awhile as I was quite busy at work. Now I am having my holiday in Australia (yay!)
Today I bought this Revlon Scented Nail Polishes and super excited to try it out at home!
The bottle itself is stunning, not to mention the designer scents that follows...
非常的驚訝,因為網上很多人分享這款很水要塗個兩三層,但Ritsuko才塗了一層顏色很實在耶!可能是這個色號China Flower (080) 比較上色。顏色很漂亮,是帶點橘的紅色,很鮮艷!Ritsuko的指甲油都沒有紅色耶~ 買這一套是因為Ritsuko上班只允許粉紅色的指甲,所以這一套有粉紅色很值~
I am surprised how opaque the color is! Many bloggers reviewed that the nail polish is rather watery and needs a several layers... maybe it's the color China Flower (080) that's very opaque. Absolutely stunning orangey red! My company only allows pink nails that's also another reason why I chose this collect over the Blue/Gold (Cabana Collection).
撻答~ 全上了就這感覺。請忽略我醜醜的手,澳洲好乾完全沒帶什麼護手的...
This is how it looks on my full hand! Please excuse my dry aging looking hands Australia is so dry now it's winter!
香味方面本來這個色號應該是花香的,但我沒怎麼聞到... (汗
可能太淡了吧,害我超期待的... 下一次看看粉紅色的有沒有香味咯~
Regarding the scent, it suppose to be a flowery scent but I don't smell any unfortunately...
I couldn't smell the normal nail polish-y smell but I also couldn't smell the scent it supposed to have!
Maybe it is a super light one or maybe it's the stock that I bought (at discounted price)... Next time I will try the pink one to see if it has the same problem
總結:本來衝著香味買的可惜並不突出(可能剛巧我的是次貨?),但之前憂慮很水的問題卻沒有,顏色很實在,很快乾 (40秒左右)。
In conclusion, this nail polish gives me stunning and opaque color out of my expectation, but it does not give me the scent it supposed to have. Overall, it is a good polish, and it dries pretty fast (40 seconds)x Stephanie