2014年7月28日 星期一

Revlon Parfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Paradise Collection [China Flower] 露華濃香氛指甲油小分享


Sorry I did not post for awhile as I was quite busy at work. Now I am having my holiday in Australia (yay!)
Today I bought this Revlon Scented Nail Polishes and super excited to try it out at home!
The bottle itself is stunning, not to mention the designer scents that follows...

非常的驚訝,因為網上很多人分享這款很水要塗個兩三層,但Ritsuko才塗了一層顏色很實在耶!可能是這個色號China Flower (080) 比較上色。顏色很漂亮,是帶點橘的紅色,很鮮艷!Ritsuko的指甲油都沒有紅色耶~ 買這一套是因為Ritsuko上班只允許粉紅色的指甲,所以這一套有粉紅色很值~

I am surprised how opaque the color is! Many bloggers reviewed that the nail polish is rather watery and needs a several layers... maybe it's the color China Flower (080) that's very opaque. Absolutely stunning orangey red! My company only allows pink nails that's also another reason why I chose this collect over the Blue/Gold (Cabana Collection).  

撻答~ 全上了就這感覺。請忽略我醜醜的手,澳洲好乾完全沒帶什麼護手的...
This is how it looks on my full hand!  Please excuse my dry aging looking hands Australia is so dry now it's winter!

香味方面本來這個色號應該是花香的,但我沒怎麼聞到... (汗
可能太淡了吧,害我超期待的... 下一次看看粉紅色的有沒有香味咯~
Regarding the scent, it suppose to be a flowery scent but I don't smell any unfortunately...
I couldn't smell the normal nail polish-y smell but I also couldn't smell the scent it supposed to have!
Maybe it is a super light one or maybe it's the stock that I bought (at discounted price)... Next time I will try the pink one to see if it has the same problem

總結:本來衝著香味買的可惜並不突出(可能剛巧我的是次貨?),但之前憂慮很水的問題卻沒有,顏色很實在,很快乾 (40秒左右)。
In conclusion, this nail polish gives me stunning and opaque color out of my expectation, but it does not give me the scent it supposed to have. Overall, it is a good polish, and it dries pretty fast (40 seconds)

x Stephanie

2014年3月14日 星期五

Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse 告別布丁頭黑人頭染髮慕絲新體驗

最近頭髮長了,出現了可惡的布丁~~ 我的頭髮半年前在髮廊補染過一次,當時黑髮到耳朵長度,而且很喜歡淺棕色所以決定補染。這一次不想再染淺棕色了,所以這次要突破自己,染沒有染過的顏色~ 呵呵呵 先看看我現在的頭髮狀況...

My hair has grown since the last time I retouched it at the salon, this time I gave up retouching on the same light brown color I've been wearing for few years, I decided to go with something that I've never tried on my hair! Take a look of my current hair style...

My hair under sunlight.

My hair experienced a few dye before, plus the salon I went to didnt put very good quality colorants on my hair, as a result, my hair condition is very bad, it is frizzy, coarse, dry and damaged.

My hair under flashlight... hate the new grown black hair and uneven color...

話說回來,我的髪尾好奇怪,上面的卷度比髪尾要卷,髪尾直直的好奇怪... 可是我一年沒剪過了,因為我好想留長,每次到髮廊肯定被修很慘很短的 (無奈)
The end of my hair seems weird as the hair above it is curled but the end is straight.. anyway, I didn't cut it for almost a year, I don't want to shorten the length I want long hair.

這次買了品質保證的黑人頭牌染髮慕絲。色號是前所未有的深 >> 3-68!Dark Chocolate
This time I bought home coloring Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse, I believe in this brand's quality and I tried the darkest tone I've ever tried in my life >> 3.68 (Dark Chocolate)

This kit includes: manual, hand gloves, colourant, developer, and hair conditioning treatment.

Although there is some chemicals smell, but this mousse has a nice scent, I feel nice about this.
I put it on my new grown hair area first for 5 - 8 mins first, then I put it to the remaining area of my hair (colored hair). I thought I will need two boxes, but I actually used one! =)

Selfie after coloring

Indoor lighting

Under flashlight

The color is very evenly distributed, and the hair color is very nice I love it! I was worried that the color will be like black, but it didn't turn out plain black, but nice dark brown with a hint of reddish tone! Although still some difference between the actual hair color and the hair color on the box, I love the result!

For after care, I used the same branded Colour Protect Shampoo and Conditioner with Liquid Keratin for crystalised shiny and repaired hair. Last time I used a L'oreal hair color it came with a 6-applications after colour treatment, so I used it for this time, the result is supple, soft, and nicely-scented hair!
So I don't have to pay a visit to the salon. Sometimes salons don't have as nice quality as those you bought over the counter like L'oreal, Revlon or Schwarzkopf. Mousse form is also very easy to control than conventional cream type. Please give it a try!

2014年3月2日 星期日

ANA機內限定 ~~ Laduree旅行特別組!! (ANA duty free limited ed. Laduree Traveler's special kit)

(Photo from Selena's Boutique)

燒著了,自從無意中看見ANA 機內免稅品catalog之後就決定一定要買! 剛好同事要乘ANA前往日本公幹就立刻拜託她幫我買回來,太激動了!因為真系好靚~~~ (雖然很小件)

Ever since I saw this kit on the catalog I tell myself I HAVE TO GET THEM HOME! Fortunately my colleague needed to travel to Japan on ANA for a business trip so I asked her to buy me one set. :)

ANA機內限定Laduree旅行特別組, 內容包括: 
The kit includes:

1. 迷你花瓣腮紅 1g 01色 (Mini size Blush)
2. Tinted Lip Balm 6g 05色 
3. Makeup base 5ml 
4. Cream cheek base 膏狀腮紅 0.03g 02色 
5. 特製化妝包 (粉紅色)(Pink pouch)


I have not yet opened the blush, will share my review here if I try them on my face, one day.


2014年2月23日 星期日

搶購成功 Starbucks 櫻花水杯 Starbucks Sakura ed. Tumbler

(Picture from internet)

日本星巴克推出櫻花系列,讓人心動無比!一開售引發大量人士排隊搶購。 我也非常心動想買曬全部返屋企!

Spring 2014, Starbucks Japan released their sakura (cherry blossom) edition tumblers this week. People are crazy for them. Me too!! They are so beautiful I want to bring all of them home.

(Picture from groupbuya)


Although not as appealing as those selling in Japan, Hong Kong also sells the sakura edition. Without knowing this, my friends told me about this at the first day of its sale, 11am started and 3pm already nothing left. I like the first one from the right, love its pink!

(Picture from internet)

我第二天上班立刻衝去接機大堂,二號客運大樓以及一號客運大樓尋找獵物,原本以為機場實大把貨,點至... 全部售罄!

The next day at work, I ran to Arrival Hall, T1 and 2 for my prey thinking there must be lots of stocks at the Airport but I was wrong - all sold out!


I asked my colleague to go into the restricted area for me. Surprisingly she grabbed me the last one! I believed this must be the last one in the whole city! I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world! It is soooo prettyyy!!!! YEAY!

大熱果凍面膜 Annie's Way Jelly Mask Review


最近大熱港臺的Annie's Way果凍面膜在我的fb洗版,一個又一個的blogger紛紛大讚其清黑頭的功效。我由11歲開始受到黑頭的困擾,clean & clear,biore,innisfree,甚至各大歐美澳洲,美容院,凡是對付黑頭的,我都通通試過。近年我已經放棄在家清理黑頭,轉戰每個月兩次到美容院針清。很多sis都話針清可以好乾淨,不會返轉頭,但可惜,每次美容院姐姐會話我d黑頭太深層,好難清,喊濕兩張tissue都清得唔乾淨...

Recently Annie's Way Jelly Mask has been so popular, many bloggers complimented on its amazing function for clearing blackheads. I suffer from blackheads since I was 11 years old, Clean & Clear, Biore, Innisfree, European, American, Aussie brands, salon-use products, you name it, I've tried them all. In these two years, I have given up fighting blackheads at home, I go to beauty salon and let them do it for me. However, every time they tell me my blackheads are too deep, very difficult to clean...


所以我在fingershopping買了兩瓶:薰衣草和金盞花 (我私信Annie's Way問我的皮膚容易敏感出粒粒,他們advise我用這兩款)

So I messaged Annie's Way and they advised me to use Lavender and Calendula for my sensitive skin)


I followed its instruction straight after I went home. First wash my face, then put on some toner and serum. After that, use the stick that comes with the mask to put on a thick layer on my skin.


After 40 mins, I used the stick to lightly remove the jelly mask. Can you see the blackheads?

我不能說完全清曬所有黑頭,畢竟我的黑頭很有歷史... 但我感覺到很乾淨!期望毛孔也會收起來!

I cannot say all the blackheads have been removed but they were very deep I knew it. I can feel the cleanliness! I hope that my pores can be smaller too! 

After two applications, this is me with my makeup after work. No greasy skin and large pores!


I look forward to the results after continuous use of two jars. Tips: Please apply a thick thick layer, otherwise it won't work out as good! One jar can be used for 8 times approximately.

初心者漱口水 Mouth rinse for beginners!

今日放工行過萬寧想買一支漱口水,立即看到這支非常日本包裝的東東。上面寫著“推薦初心者使用”,“沒有強烈薄荷辣味”,非常吸引。 Ritsuko常常使用市面上某幾個大牌子全部的mint味都很辣,次次用完都留眼淚,要不然還要拿水稀釋,漱口完像沒有用過一樣... 這次還是超級減價!由49.9減到15蚊!立刻拿了兩瓶不要多說...

Today while I was walking around Mannings I saw this mouth rinse on sale! It was $49.90 and now only $15!! That's a whooping price reduction! I checked its expiry date it's June 2016. So I grabbed two immediately as I needed to buy mouth rinse anyway.

This mouth rinse is a Japanese brand emphasizing on "Mouth Rinse for beginners" "No strong mint taste" "soft citrus flavor". That attracted me a lot. Because I hate strong mint taste that makes me tear!


I was worried if it is too mild it doesn't help to reduce bad breathe but it does do a good job on that! I felt like I rinsed mild flavored water and my mom said I smell refreshing! I love this and need to buy a few more to stock up!

轉頭再買多幾支先,2016年先過期!快d去萬寧睇下啦 ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Grab one now at Mannings!

2014年2月13日 星期四

Innisfree Mugwort mask review

Recently I'm in love with Korean masks! After yesterday's review on Nature Republic Aloe Vera mask today I'm gonna review on innisfree Mugwort mask!

This mask has repairing function so I would like to use this to further sooth my redness.

The cutting is quite nice but not as good as nature republic. This innisfree free mask got eye mask too, so that's a credit!

This mask is not as moisturizing as nature republic's. It is doing a fair job. Maybe I should try other flavors of Innisfree mask! =)

Nature Republic Aloe Vera Mask Review

Today I am going to review on Nature Republic's Aloe Vera Mask. I bought it at a little shop at Mongkok, Hong Kong for around HK$8 per piece along with other flavors. But you can also buy it from Babegal - an online beauty shop that I discovered recently and I bought an eyeliner from 3ce too. (Hopefully I have time in the future to review how unhelpful it is to me despite all the good reviews others held over the Internet) 

The first impression of this mask after I open it from its package was it's scent, very soothing and lovely.

The cutting is pretty good comparing to its fellow Korean brand Missha's mask which I tried yesterday (but forgot to take photos and didn't review it).

My skin is getting allergic again lately. After taking solutions like I wrote in my previous post, it is still not getting any better. After yesterday's Missha's mask my skin did get soothed and my redness reduced a bit - that's good news.

After ten mins, you may still see the redness from my left cheek even with the mask over it. =(

Maybe it's the freezing weather in HK, my allergic skin is still little bit red from the coolness of the mask. The serum from the mask is quite thick and moisturizing. I feel very hydrated. Overall I like this mask and it's lovely price!

Will upload another photo tomorrow morning to evaluate its power for soothing my allergic skin!

My skin is getting slightly soothed in the next morning. Ofcourse the major help is from the medicine I took prescribed by doctor, but the mask also somehow helped flattening my allergic acnes. So far I recommend this mask to those who have allergic acnes and after sunburnt. =)