2013年10月16日 星期三

Mask House 韓方草本系列美白面膜 Herbal series Whitening Mask Review

Ritsuko今晚剛出席了親戚的壽宴,回家后卸妝立刻翻出Mask House的韓方草本白亮采面膜敷一敷~ 先說說這款面膜的介紹:標榜200%美白淡斑 (以下為官網的介紹)



Mask House is a korean brand and this mask I used tonight was its whitening mask under the Korean Herbal Series. This mask marketed that it helps to whiten your skin tone and reduce spots by 200%! It claims that it helps fighting harmful UV rays and spots, and helps in blood circulation of your face. It boosts metabolism cycle as well.


There are 5 sheets in each box. The texture is quite thin and it fits my face shape well. However, if compare to masks from the Taiwanese brand Beauty Diary, I personally think that Beauty Diary ones fit my face the best and the sheet is the thinnest among all masks I've used.


After 15 mins I took it off. My skin has been brightened up but it did nothing to my spots. This is only my second time using this mask and I would not expect it reduces my spots anyway. It did a good job in brightening my skin tone and quite well in moisturizing too.

我最後塗上了Aqua Label的乳液鎖住水分。一般美白產品會偏乾但上一次的經驗告訴我隔天起床皮膚也沒有很乾喔。所以1-5分的話這款面膜我會評4分,碰上萬寧特價我會回購。

I put on Aqua Label lotion to lock in the moisture. In general whitening products will make your skin dry but my experience with this mask was that the next morning I woke up I did not feel my skin being too dry even I slept in an air-conditioned room. I would give this mask 4/5 scores, and if this mask is on sales at Mannings I will definitely buy it again!

Thank you for reading on a Wed night!

